Recover from Summer with 1 Ingredient…

So summer is winding down-school is about to start and I’m starting to get goosies (i’m using that word too, J.Lo) just thinking about fall!!!!  That being said, despite cooler weather on it’s way, my hair and skin are leaving a lot to be desired.  I’m sure I’m not the only one in need of some major moisture and healing??!!  If you are looking for a 1 ingredient solution to stressed out skin and dry, stringy hair, open your cupboard-SURPRISE, it’s coconut oil!!

I think I mentioned this a few posts back but this summer I got the girls an above ground pool-despite the eye sore it makes of my yard I seriously got my money’s worth.  We were in it almost everyday for a good month.  It’s an oven for at least 2 mos. where we live and a pool is the only option to keep cool.  This alone can cause dry brittle hair from sun and pool chemicals.  Skin really suffers under a constant veil of sunblocks and sweat as well.  The heat just sucks the life out of my skin and hair day after day.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve run out of steam for summer-I need a beauty treatment that is going to feed my skin/hair much needed moisture, heal my skin/hair and be easy to apply.  I think everyone and their dog knows coconut oil can do everything but organize your closet but it never hurts to let you all in on how I keep my life simple.

Hair Conditioner:

Coconut oil is the perfect hot oil hair conditioner.  Do you remember those V05 hot oil treatments?  My mom had me do those weekly, thanks to all the perms I used to get!  Hey, the higher the hair, the closer to God-at least in the 80’s!  If you are going to be outside, slather on the coconut oil, tie your hair in a bun and let the oil and heat go to work.  The heat helps to open up the hair cuticle while the ultra healing and moisturizing coconut oil helps to heal and hydrate!  To read more about coconut oil and the hair, go HERE.  Once you are done outside, shampoo your hair as usual.


Skin Moisturizer/Healer:

Coconut oil is also so HEALING to the skin.  Even when you don’t get a sun burn-the sun still zaps your skin of much needed moisture and even damages skin cells and collagen!  Coconut oil can be used as an oil while laying out in the sun-again, the sun helps the coconut oil to penetrate deep into your skin.  Also, once you come in from the sun and shower, get in a habit of applying coconut oil from head to toe.  I do this routine for days after being in the sun.

Let’s do a refresher on the external benefits of coconut oil:  Non refined organic coconut oil contains a HIGH amount of antioxidants which help fight free radicals-Translated, COCONUT OIL FIGHTS AGING.  Coconut oil contains fatty acids like lauric acid.  Fatty acids are great for hydrating the skin, not to mention they contain potent antimicrobial and antiviral powers.  Coconut oil is also anti fungal-in my opinion-this is always the solution to most skin ailments.  Read more about coconut oil HERE.

Other Uses for Coconut Oil:

  • The perfect shaving cream-Get a close shave while protecting, healing and moisturizing your legs!
  • Remove eye makeup in seconds without stinging.
  • Condition and detox eye lashes.
  • Soften, heal and condition cuticles.
  • Smooth frizzy hair.
  • Use as a conditioning sun tan oil—>Coconut oil is a natural SPF-It’s small, but it’s better then nothing!
  • Add a couple of tbsp (& add an essential oil). to a bath for more skin nourishment!
  • Make a body scrub by adding a bit of sugar and lemon-Your skin will be baby smooth!  Go HERE for that specific recipe.
  • Whip it up for a light, fluffy body cream!
  • Use as a lip balm.
  • Make THE PERFECT FACE MASK-Just add equal parts of raw honey, let sit for 10 minutes and you are healed, replenished, renewed and glowing!

Where to Get the BEST Quality Coconut Oil:

Coconut Oil should always be unrefined and organic.  I only use Healthy Traditions.  They offer the highest quality coconut oil for using on the skin and ingesting.  There are several reasons Healthy Traditions coconut oil is the absolute best.  It is hand made, NON-GMO, USDA Certified Organic, no chemical solvents used in processing, high lauric acid content, no hydrogenation or trans-fats, made from fresh coconuts, made in small batches, and wet-milled which means a higher amount of antioxidants were retained.  It is also tested for glycophate.  It doesn’t get any better then that!  Go HERE to check them out!

Take care of your hair and skin.  Sometimes you just can’t avoid abusing them, but you’ve got no excuse to not replenish and heal dry skin and hair!  Especially when it’s this easy!!  Grab a jar and get to beautifying!

xx, Jenni

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