Beeswax Beauty Benefits

Beeswax Beauty BenefitsI’m sure many of you know the main purpose of beeswax in DIYs, right?  It’s to harden up oils so we can make salves/balms in many different textures.  Did you know that beeswax is actually beneficial to the skin?  It is and it  has many redeeming qualities your skin will love! Let’s talk about the beauty benefits of beeswax…

First off, I think it’s good to understand where beeswax actually comes from-I mean bees are amazing creatures and produce several highly beneficial substances for us to benefit from, such as bee pollen, royal jelly and honey.  So, were does it come from?  It actually comes from the worker bees’ stomach.  They excrete it from their stomach glands into the honey comb where it mixes with bee pollen and honey, giving it’s unusual aroma.  Once it’s obtained from the comb, it is filtered and purified.

One thing I didn’t know about beeswax before writing this post is that beeswax is actually a helpful tool for anti aging!  It contains a good amount of Vitamin A which is responsible for renewing skin cells!  It also is an antioxidant which is vital in fighting the signs of aging.

Beauty Benefits of Beeswax:

  • Antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral!
  • Helps relieve itching.
  • Reduces redness and inflammation.
  • It’s a humectant which means it draws water to the skin.
  • Creates a safe barrier, keeping wounds clean and protected.
  • Contains a good amount of Vitamin A-which helps with regenerating skin cells.
  • It’s an antioxidant which helps kill free radicals that cause aging.
  • Softens the skin.
  • Can soothe eczema and psoriasis.

Beeswax Benefits

How to Benefit from Beeswax:

Beeswax can be added to any oil to make a moisturizer.  You simply create a double boiler (fill a medium sized pot 1/2 way full with water and place a glass pyrex measuring cup inside) add your beeswax and oil and turn on stove top to medium heat.  Once the beeswax is melted, pour into a glass container and allow to cool.  Yep, it’s that easy.   Before it melts you can add essential oils for added benefits!

Beeswax and Oil Salve

Recipes with Beeswax:

  • Aloe & Beeswax Lotion
  • Apricot Myrrh Dry Skin Stick
  • Anti Wrinkle Eye Stick
  • Multi Purpose Beauty Balm
  • Gardener’s Soothing Hand Salve
  • Happy Heels Heel Balm
  • Activated Charcoal Healing Salve
  • Raspberry Vanilla Lip Balm
  • Mint Chocolate Lip Balm

I think us DIYers often overlook beeswax because it serves such a huge purpose by being a natural thickener but it’s nice to know that literally every single ingredient in balms and salves are beneficial for the skin!  The only brand of beeswax I use is Mountain Rose Herbs.   Be careful when selecting beeswax because sometimes certain beeswax brands offer beeswax that end up smelling like smoke.  This is a common complaint and probably due to the purification process.  MRH’s beeswax has never failed me.  It’s important to buy from a reputable source.

xx, Jenni



Beeswax Benefits

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