DIY Oil Cleanser with Tamanu Oil & Clay

DIY Oil Cleanser RecipeOil cleansing is a fantastic way to detox the skin. Today, I’m sharing a DIY oil cleanser recipe that contains ingredients that are geared towards oilier skin types that may or may not be experiencing acne. You’re going to love this beautiful green cleanser from the moment you try it! Tamanu and French Green Clay work wonders!

I realize I tend to focus many of my DIYs around anti aging solutions.  It’s been many years since I’ve dealt with acne prone skin.  It’s also been years since I’ve dealt with oily skin.  I usually base my recipes on how the product works for me so I don’t feel very qualified to share recipes that I “think” will work for oilier and problematic skin types.  But-I’ve had some extra clogging lately and had an idea….

Since I swear by The Oil Cleansing Method, and a lot of you are very apprehensive to try it, I thought it makes perfect sense to make an DIY oil cleanser recipe that is geared more toward clog prone skin! 

I’m so happy with the way this cleanser turned out-I’ve been using it for a week and while it hasn’t dried me out-it’s smoothed me out, brought a few blackheads to the surface and nourished my skin as well!  Continue reading to find out how to make an DIY oil cleanser for problematic skin!

DIY Oil Cleanser Recipe

French Green Clay

First off, if you are oily and deal with zits you need to get acquainted with clays.  Clays are incredibly helpful because they pull toxins out of the skin.

I always use French Green Clay, not because it’s better then bentonite, kaolin, or fuller’s earth but because I bought a 1lb. bag and it lasts forever!!  So, if you already have a clay, use what you have. Any clay is awesome for the skin. 

Since I do have FGC let me share what Mountain Rose Herb says about it because it’s awesome-

“Our French Green clay has enormous absorbent powers due to the constitution of its micro molecules. It literally “drinks” oils, toxic substances, and impurities from your skin. Its toning action stimulates the skin by bringing fresh blood to skin cells.”

DIY Oil Cleanser Recipe

Ingredients for a DIY Oil Cleanser:

Clay is mineral rich.  We are all mineral deficient to some degree.  Nourishing our bodies from the outside in can actually be very beneficial for the quality of our skin. 

Clays have anti inflammatory properties as well helping to calm skin all while absorbing dirt, oils and dead skin!  As you can tell-Clay is super beneficial for our skin-even if we are dry!

I’ve also use Tamanu Oil in this cleanser.  I love tamanu oil.  It is one of the oils that I personally used for a while when trying to heal my skin from a bout of acne.

I also use it in my spot treatment stick recipe. Tamanu oil is extremely helpful in healing skin and calming inflammation.  It is also not the type of oil you could use as a moisturizer if you are dry.  Some people have even claimed it dried out their skin.  I personally have not experience it-I just felt like it improved the clarity and texture of my skin and it did it quickly.

Castor Oil is added because it is a cleansing oil.  It is also an oil that can be drying to the skin so I add it sparingly in this cleanser. 

I added jojoba oil because it is an excellent oil for all skin types.  It is said the jojoba oil is the closest oil to our own natural oils.  It often times will balance the skin. 

When oily skin types try to dry out their skin using harsh products like Proactive, many times the skin will get the signal to produce more oil.  The harsh products have thrown the skin out of balance.  Adding jojoba oil can give skin the message that there is no need to produce excess oil.

Essential oils can also be added to this recipe.  Tea tree is a good one for acne prone skin.  It is powerful for killing bacteria.  I also like lemongrass, lavender, lemon and ylang ylang for oilier skin types.

DIY Oil Cleanser Recipe

DIY Oil Cleanser Recipe

2 TBSP. Jojoba Oil (find it HERE)

1 TBSP. Tamanu Oil (find it HERE)

1 TBSP. Castor Oil (find it HERE)

1 TBSP. Beeswax (find it HERE)

6 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil (find it HERE)

1 TBSP. French Green Clay (find it HERE)


  1. Fill a medium sized pot 1/2 full with water.
  2. Place a glass pyrex bowl with a spout in the water.
  3. Turn heat on medium.
  4. Add jojoba, tamanu, castor oil, beeswax and clay to pyrex bowl.
  5. Allow ingredients to fully melt.
  6. Remove from heat and add essential oil.
  7. Pour into glass jar (super cute one HERE).

To Use:

  1. Scoop a quarter size of cleanser into the palm of your hand.
  2. Massage your skin for at least 1 minute.  This cleanser is gentle enough to effectively remove eye makeup without burning.
  3. Apply a hot-warm cloth over the skin and let sit until lukewarm.
  4. Wipe the cleanser off.
  5. Rinse cloth with hot water and re-apply to the face, letting it cool.
  6. Follow up with a toner and moisturizer if needed.

DIY Clay Oil Cleanser

I am really loving the DIY oil cleanser.  I typically use THIS cleanser but to switch things up, this DIY is doing the trick. 

Like I’ve said, my skin is not oily nor do I have breakouts that aren’t associated with hormones, but this cleanser feels so good on my skin.  My skin feels smooth and clean afterwards.  I don’t feel tight AT ALL

I love that the clay adds and element of physical exfoliation!  It’s very gentle but with the warm cloth softening the skin, this cleanser can really help with dead skin.

Clay is such an incredible tool for every skin type.  I thought at one point that it was just too drying for dry skin but I have since found some very interesting information on using clay on dry skin. 

This is such an easy DIY oil cleanser.  It literally took me 10 minutes from start to finish.  I got all my products from Mountain Rose Herbs because they are simply the best. 

I’m 100% positive this will be among my top 5 DIYs this year!

xx, Jenni


DIY Oil Cleanser Recipe

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