BB Cream-Friend or Frenemy??

BB Cream BenefitsBB creams have become extremely popular lately!  I honestly thought BB cream was the name of a foundation from Cover Girl.  I don’t really stay up on products, clearly.  When every cosmetic company under the sun started coming out with BB cream, it became clear this was not just a Cover Girl thing.  Come to find out, BB cream is a really cool foundation/SPF/serum/moisturizer!  What a concept!  But-is it really that effective?  Does it work?

BB cream is short for beauty balm or blemish balm.  It was developed by a German dermatologist who was looking for a product he could apply to his clients who had just had a laser treatment.  He wanted to give them light coverage while protecting their skin from the sun and replenishing their skin after the treatment.   Clever guy.

Many BB Creams actually contain several ingredients that are in mineral make up, namely zinc oxide and titanium oxide.  These minerals provide sun protection.  BB cream also contains light reflecting mica, which is a common ingredient in mineral make up to give the skin a bright look.

BB creams also contain antioxidants and vitamins, like A, E, and C.  Some contain hyaluronic acid and glycerin which help to moisturize and nourish the skin.

One problem is that BB creams come in a limited number of shades so it can be tricky finding the shade that is right for you.   Another problem is chemicals, You guessed it!  I have yet to find a brand that I’m comfortable with the listed ingredients.

Coverage is light on most BB creams, almost like a tinted moisturizer.  SPF is usually 30+ and the jury is out on whether substantial moisturizing and anti aging is happening.  I personally have never used a BB cream, but I would love to hear what you all think!  Share!!

Oh, and of course, there will be a DIY recipe coming mid week because I LOVE this concept-and how easy would it be to add some beneficial oils to our mineral make up to feed our skin??  So easy and effective!  Stay tuned!

BB Cream Benefits

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