So I have a confession. I’ve been tanning in a tanning bed! Gasp! Yes, I’m one of those that have tan lines in the dead of winter-#basic. Let me start from the beginning before you X out of this post.
A few weeks ago I was feeling pretty blue. Holidays had past, my daughters were doing great, everything was as it should be but I just didn’t feel right. I knew I was lacking in vitamin D because I literally don’t go outside in the winter. I’m so sensitive to cold that hanging out outside just seemed impossible. I was taking vitamin D supplements but I knew from research that a supplement could not compare to the real deal-the sun. It was weird but I just sensed that I was lacking vitamin D. I also have perioral/ocular dermatitis and knew that being in some type of UV rays could possibly help my condition. So, I did some research because I knew I wasn’t going to go so far as to head to the local tanning bed. I found a natural doctor that offered D-Lite tanning beds. I did more research, and decided it was worth it. So I thought I’d share my experience as well as why these beds are safer then regular tanning beds.
First off, I hope you know how important vitamin D truly is. Without it, major health issues can arise. I feel like I’ve been extra controversial lately so I might as well continue and state that I believe sunblock at all times is highly unnecessary if not down right dangerous. It is drilled into our brains that the sun causes cancer. I actually believe that the lack of sun can cause cancer. Go HERE to read more on sun exposure and harmful ingredients in sunblock from someone more qualified.
Getting a small amount of sun daily is vital to health. So how much is a small amount? Sunburns are never a good idea. If it takes you 30 minutes to get pink, cut that time in half and that is an optimal amount of time for you. So you guessed it, if you are darker in skin tone you actually need more vitamin D.
Seasonal depression and cold/flu season are directly related to the lack of being outdoors. Vitamin D levels plummet for most of us in the winter months and this can wreak havoc mentally and physically.
Signs You Are Vitamin D Deficient:
- Getting sick often
- Slow wound healing
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Hair loss
- Muscle aches
- Back pain
- Excessive sweating
- Weak bones
My D-Lite Experience:
A D-Lite tanning bed experience is just like a regular tanning bed. The big difference is that it is not emitting radiation. You are still getting UVA and UVB rays which are necessary for optimal vitamin D levels. That being said, you can still burn, you will still tan and sun damage is still a risk.
I started out for 5 minutes. I get pink quite easily and I saw no pinkness after tanning for 5 minutes. The second time I upped my time to 8 minutes and was quite pink. I backed it down to 7 the next time and have continued to stay around 7 or 8 minutes. I will not exceed 8 minutes.
You should allow 48 hours in-between each tanning session.
I have tanned rather quickly in this type of bed by going 2-3x a week for no more then 8 minutes.
I have to say, I experience a euphoric feeling after tanning. It is a noticeable and immediate mood boost.
I will continue to tan until mid April when the weather is easier to enjoy.
So what’s the difference between D-Lite beds and regular tanning beds?
Standard commercial tanning beds emit harmful levels of electromagnetic radiation. The D-Lite bed is designed to reduce and eliminate secondary radiation that makes most indoor tanning unsafe. The bulbs in the bed have a more narrow range of energy they emit. Most importantly, the actual motor of the bed is electronic ballast instead of electromagnetic. It was created to not emit high levels of radiation.
Benefits of tanning in a safer bed include a stronger immune system, increased production of serotonin which helps decrease depression. Tanning also helps kill and prevent the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
FYI-sunblock will block UV rays therefore making vitamin D hard to obtain especially in a tanning bed.
If you live in an area where you can get out in the sun year around, this by far is the best way to keep your vitamin D levels optimal. The more skin you can expose the better but just sitting outside and letting your arms and face get exposure will go a long way.
I have really enjoyed my indoor tanning experience. I mentally felt better immediately. I highly recommend looking into these tanning beds or getting outside-a little sunshine can go a long way!
xx, Jenni