Dry Ingredient Options for “Just Add Water” Masks…

Dry Masks Natural Ingredients

DIY dry masks are super simple to make, make great gifts and are amazing for the skin.  Basically, there are quite a few dry ingredients that you can combine to make a super potent skin care mask. Scoop out a tablespoon, add a liquid of your choice and apply!  It’s an amazing way to mask and because you don’t add the liquid until you’re ready, there’s no concern of bacteria growing plus you insure your mask is active and fresh!

Dry Ingredient Options:

  • Clays (find them HERE)
  • Spirulina (find it HERE)
  • Seaweed (find it HERE)
  • Hibiscus (find it HERE)
  • Organic Oatmeal (find it HERE)
  • Dried Herbs (find them HERE)
  • Salt (find it HERE)
  • Activated Charcoal (find it HERE)

Dry Ingredients for DIY face masks

Choosing the Right Ingredients:

I talked HERE about the benefits of seaweed.  Seaweed is excellent and reducing puffiness.  It is hydrating, reduces redness, calms and tightens the skin.  It also helps renew skin cells making the skin look fresh and radiant.

I talked HERE about the benefits of spirulina.  Spirulina actually alkalinizes the skin.  It can reduce the appearance of dark circles and is anti bacterial.

Learn all about different types of clays and which one is right for your skin HERE.  Clays are mainly used to detox the skin.  They can actually act as a dirt magnet!!  Not to mention the intense rev up of circulation!!

Salt is actually great to add to masks!  You want to stick to a pure sea salt or himalayan salt though.  Salt can add minerals to the skin as well as provide an exfoliation when the mask is removed.

I talked about hibiscus HERE. Hibiscus is especially helpful to the skin because it contains Alpha Hydroxy Acids which help exfoliate, smooth and brighten skin tone.  Hibiscus is also naturally hydrating and anti aging due to it’s high antioxidant content.

I talked all about the amazing benefits of applying oatmeal to your skin HERE.  Oatmeal is excellent for calming irritated skin.  It’s great for reducing redness and inflammation.  It’s hydrating, relieves itchiness and kills bacteria!

Dried Herbs not only add benefits to your mask, they also can make your mask pretty!  I love using rosebuds or petals, lavender buds, calendula flowers or chamomile flowers!  They all help to beautify, calm and brighten the skin.  They can be ground or left whole but I believe grinding them brings out their skin benefits.

Activated charcoal is an excellent ingredient to add for skin that needs a good detox!  Go HERE and HERE for to learn of the amazing powers of charcoal plus a couple DIY masks you might be interested in.

Mountain Rose Herbs Button

How to Make a “Just Add Water” Mask:

  • Once you choose your ingredients, you can add them to a food processor or blender.  My high powered blender works well and blends ingredients into a very fine powder.  I’m not sure about a regular blender but I’m guessing it would work as well.

How to Use a “Just Add Water” Mask:

  • 1 application is typically 1 tbsp. of dried mask and 1-2 teaspoons of a liquid.  Thoroughly mix and apply to clean skin for 10-15 minutes.  Remove with cool water and moisturize as usual.  This varies depending on the ingredients you choose so basically you just want to look for the right consistency and add the liquid slowly.  Your mask needs to be thick enough that it does not drip off your face.

Liquid Options:

  • Aloe Vera Gel or Juice
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Hydrosol
  • Distilled Water

Essential oils can be added sparingly to dry masks without the risk of bacteria.  I always add a couple drops of lavender to enhance the smell.  Geranium, cypress and tea tree are also great additions!

Early next week I will be posting several DIY dry masks recipes using these ingredients.  I think these masks are amazing gifts!  You can get super creative with them when it comes to ingredients, jars and even packaging!  Not to mention-I love introducing my loved ones to natural DIY skin care!

xx, Jenni


Dry Ingredients for face masks


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