I absolutely hate curling my hair. I hate how long it takes. I hate how damaging it is. And I hate that for all the effort, I get maybe 4 hours worth of curls. Not to mention-I’m just not that good at it. I do love the look of curled hair though. I often sleep in french braids to give my hair a wave but sometimes I’ll catch myself in a mirror the day after and realize the waves just don’t look current. Having your hair curled can pull your look together. Instead of air dried, straight, stringy hair-you look more feminine and sophisticated. Sign me up for that except I don’t want to put in any effort, Ok?
A few weeks ago I happened to run into a blogger who wears her hair in Princess Leia buns when she works out. If she’s not in the buns, she’s got long, wavy blonde hair that literally is a show stopper. She did a video tutorial on those buns (due to popular demand) and revealed that she also sleeps in them in order to keep her curls looking good and give her hair more volume. Say WHAT, girlfriend?! What I took from it was, forget the curling iron and just sleep in buns! I was so excited to try it because sleeping in a french braid doesn’t cut it. Braids don’t produce the curls a curling iron does.
I excitedly wound up my hair in braids that night, to the delight of my daughters who thought I looked awesome (I didn’t agree) and went to bed. The results? Big curls as though I had spend an hour with the curling iron! It’s a miracle!
Tips and Troubleshooting:
- If you don’t have long hair, you can still try this by sectioning your hair in four sections instead of 2. I don’t promise this will work but I’ve heard it does.
- For more curls, leave hair barely damp before doing the buns.
- Use a mousse or hair spray for longer lasting curls before doing the buns.
- Wear buns higher on the head if you sleep on your stomach or side.
- For a professional look, curl the front pieces to define the shape of the curls around the face.
I probably won’t be wearing these buns as a hair style on it’s own anytime soon but you totally could. Tease the sections and wrap up loosely for a more natural look. Bobby pins help quite a bit. Also, you could use an elastic tie to create pig tails, then twist hair and secure with another hair tie.
This is such a gentle and easy way to get big, sexy hair! I don’t want to take the time to fix my hair. I would rather drink another cup of coffee or sleep later, so this seriously has been such a nugget of a beauty tip that I just had to share! Go HERE for another hair tip and HERE for a few hair DIYs!
xx, Jenni