My New Weekly Beauty Habits for Mind, Body & Soul!


3 pics of a bath soak in a jar, 2 Annmarie skincare products and a glass bottle and box of dandelion root tea.I believe that forming good habits that feed the mind, body and soul is extremely important. However, those habits have to feel right and work for you as an individual. For instance, I’d been complaining for years about not exercising. I finally stopped whining and started walking. But, I only walk 1 mile. That’s it. Because if I walk further and for a longer time, I know I’ll get burned out and quit. I have been steadily walking for almost 2 years now and have started adding on more exercise! I know the key was that I not push and pressure myself and that I find the therapeutic value. 

I say all that to say, taking care of our skin is a great habit that I’ve been prioritizing lately and it’s been so nice. I thought I’d share the little ritual I’ve been doing weekly that is giving me such a boost!

I thought I’d share because it might be fun for you to do too!

Exfoliate & Mask:

Hands holding a jar of mask and a bottle of exfoliant.

The first new thing I am doing is using 2 new skincare products.

Annmarie Skincare is an incredibly clean and beautiful skincare line that I have promoted before. Once I got more serious about my own skincare line, I stopped talking about it because a lot of my products are similar to theirs. I decided to purchase a couple of their products that I cannot make myself. One being their Ayurvedic Facial Scrub and the other being the Illuminating Pearl Mask. 

Both products are top notch as I suspected they would be. 

Bottle of exfoliant laying down with powder falling out

2 hands showing exfoliant wet on the palms.

The Ayurvedic Facial Scrub is a dry herb scrub made of fenugreek, horsetail, rhassoul and kaolin clay, aloe powder, crushed lavender, rosemary, comfrey and lemon balm just to name a few. It’s packed with nutrients and has the perfect grit. Not too sharp and not too dull. I say I cannot make this myself because getting the right grit is something I have yet to figure out. 

After using this scrub, my skin feels fresh, clean and awake! 

I use about a dime sized amount of powder in one hand then I wet the other hand and rub together. However, Annmarie Skincare suggests using a cleanser as the wet portion of your exfoliating. Unfortunately I only have oil cleansers at the moment so I couldn’t try it out. I absolutely love their Aloe Herb Cleanser and highly recommend it though.

As a DIYer trying to keep everything as simple and clean as possible, soap based cleansers have not been conquered so if you are one who prefers cleansing with soap rather than oil, you’ll absolutely love this cleanser. 

Find this amazing scrub HERE.

PRO TIP: Exfoliate after steaming or after a hot shower. The steam softens the dead skin making it much easier to remove. 

Hand holding a mask.

Mask on a hand with bracelets

After I have exfoliated I apply the Illuminating Pearl Mask. This mask smells absolutely heavenly. It contains pearl powder which has traditionally been used in Chinese medicine for brightening and beautifying the skin. It also stimulates one of the strongest antioxidant enzymes in the body.

It also contains turmeric for calming and licorice and uva ursi which both are known to brighten the skin and lighten dark spots.

Mountain wildflower honey is added to soothe and calm but also exfoliates due to it containing gluconic acid which is a  mild alpha hydroxy. Honey is also a humectant which helps the skin absorb and retain moisture.

It also contains green mandarin, lavender and frankincense.

After one use of this mask, my skin looked brighter. After several uses, my fine lines are barely visible. It’s a beautiful mask that I will definitely repurchase. I look forward to use it and try to get it in more than once a week.

This mask should be left on for 15 minutes or more. Rinse with cool water and tone and moisturize as usual afterwards. 

Find this incredible mask HERE.

hand with wooden spoon in a jar with bath salts and coconut milk with essential oils around it.

Create a Milk/Salt Bath Soak:

While I have my mask on, I take a milk/salt bath. I’ve found that preparing my milk/salt bath the day before works really well and keeps me on track. This way all I have to do is throw it in the bath when I’m ready!

Rose & Lavender Salt and Milk Bath Soak Recipe:

  • 1 cup of Epsom Salt (find it HERE)
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Milk Powder (find it HERE)
  • 10 drops Lavender Essential Oil (find it HERE)
  • 15 drops Rose Absolute Oil (find it HERE)

Add ingredients to a jar, replace the lid and shake! Keep it by the tub so you remember to use it!

I was inspired by a recipe I found for a DIY Rose Milk Self Love Bath Soak. I had never used coconut milk powder in my bath so I thought I’d try it since winter has wreaked havoc on my dry skin! I couldn’t be happier with how silky it made the water and how hydrated my skin felt after the bath and now it’s the only way I soak!

You don’t have to use epsom salt-Pink Himalayan salt or Dead Sea salt work just as well. Epsom Salt is just easier to find and much cheaper. 

I chose a blend of lavender and rose but you can tailor what essential oils you use to whatever you prefer. The essential oil is more for aromatic benefits rather than skin benefits. 

I forgot I had rose absolute which is a much cheaper (and diluted) version of rose essential oil. It still smells amazing and it’s nice to add it to recipes! My combo of lavender and rose smells so good!

BEWARE: After your bath soak, be careful getting out of the bath because the powdered milk will leave the bath a bit slippery!

Related Post: Read more about the benefits of salt baths in my How to Make the Best Epsom Salt Bath for Healing and Detox post.

Box of Dandelion Root tea and glass bottle on blue cloth napkin.focused picture of glass bottle with blurry pic of box of tea

Make a BIG Bottle of Herbal Tea:

The day before I plan to do these new beauty habits, along with making the salt soak, I also brew dandelion root tea. I use 2 bags per 32 ounces of water and store it in the fridge overnight. During and after my bath I drink my bottle of tea for 2 reasons….

One, salt baths tend to be detoxing so after taking one, you want to get in the habit of drinking plenty of water to help encourage toxins to exit your body in a safe and healthy way. 

Two, I drink dandelion root tea to help with bloat and water retention. Dandelion root tea holds so many health benefits including lowering blood sugar, aiding with weight loss, lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation and as mentioned it acts as a natural diuretic. 

THIS dandelion root tea is so good. I’ve had others that did not taste good. This one is light and refreshing. It has just a taste of cinnamon which is so nice. You can drink it warm or make an ice tea. It’s whatever you prefer! 

I love my new weekly ritual!! Taking time out to take care of your mind, body and soul is vital. Honestly, a couple extra skincare products, a bath and a tea is a simple and enjoyable way to prioritize yourself! I’d love to hear how you take care of your skin and mental health, please share!

xx, Jenni

P.S. Annmarie Skincare currently has a 4 piece set that contains the Aloe Cleanser I mentioned, sample sizes of their facial oil and serum and a massage oil, regularly $45 but with THIS link, it’s only $24!

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