A DIY Ringworm Roll On Among Other Things….

ringworm roll on DIY My girls and I got ringworm.  How’s that for transparent?  Back in October we bought two kittens and they ended up giving us ringworm, or so I think.  Now, let’s get one thing straight-ringworm is not actually caused by a worm.  It’s a fungal rash very much like Athlete’s foot and jock itch.  Awesome.  It’s a round rash that is crazy hard to get rid of and very contagious.  First Heidi got a patch on her back.  Then I got a patch on my arm and next Sofie got one on her arm as well.  I knew it had to be treated because the rashes weren’t going away, itched like crazy and looked so gross.  I quickly started researching, knowing essential oils would come to the rescue and quickly made a roll-on to kill the rash.

The roll-on took about 2 weeks to kill of the ringworm but it killed the itch and reduced the swelling immediately.  There is not even a hint that we had this raised ugly rash.  The alternative was going to the doctor, letting them scrape a piece of skin off the top of the rash to confirm that it was indeed ringworm, then put us on a topical and oral drug to kill the fungus.  No thanks.  In cases like ringworm-essential oils truly shine.  ringworm roll on

I now like to call this roll-on my “peace of mind” roll-on.  Since our bout with ringworm last fall, I have ended up using this roll-on for so many other issues!  In fact, I had to re-fill the roll-on just for this post’s pictures.  You might recall that I got bit by a mouse in the beginning of spring?  Go HERE for that off the wall post.  I used this roll-on every 10 minutes or so for hours after the bite to prevent infection and tetanus.  We also get bit by ticks on the reg.  It takes no time to swipe this little roll-on over the tick to get it to release from the skin.  Once the tick is removed, I apply this roll on a couple more times to prevent bacterial infections such as lyme disease.

So how do you make it?  Simple-Fill your roll-on bottle 1/2 way full with melaleuca/tea tree, then finish it off with lavender.  If you feel uncomfortable with making it undiluted you can always cut back on the oils and add a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil.  Not diluting does not burn when applied to the skin.  Find roll on bottles HERE.

What I like about a roll on is that it is so concentrated.  It soaks into the skin immediately and soothes inflammation while killing fungus and bacteria.  I have made a balm for bug bites and skin issues HERE but it’s not concentrated enough.  When I’m dealing with the possibility of lyme disease and other dangerous repercussions of bug bites and rashes, I prefer to hit the hard stuff.  I will say, I do still love the balm to repair and renew the skin once we’re in the clear.  Anti Fungal Roll-On DIY

Happy Summer!

xx, Jenni


Peace Of Mind Essential Oil Roll On

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