Multi Purpose Beauty Balm DIY…

Wild Rose beauty Balm HomemadeMeet Wild Rose…. Not to be confused with Black Betty.  Ha, Ha.  Every time I look at the above picture I think of some passionate, man chasin’ whiskey drinkin’ woman of the night-But this post is totally not about that.

I wrote a couple of posts a few months back about Neal’s Yard Remedies.  They are an English botanically based skin care line that offer amazing skin care products!  One product in particular is their Wild Rose Balm.  It is a multitasking product to say the least.  I follow a lot of British beauty YouTubers and could not get away from all the raving reviews of this product.  Needless to say, I had to buy it.  As I started to incorporate it into my beauty regime, I realized the reviews are true-it’s an amazing product.  But this isn’t really going to be a typical product review post.  I, of course will link where you can buy this balm but I am also providing a recipe for you to make for yourself if you prefer.

Once I examined the ingredients of this balm I realized that while a curious mixture of anti aging oils made up the balm, it was so easily DIY’d.  I don’t have the exact recipe, I’m only estimating proportions since I have the real deal to examine.  This expensive balm is price for a reason-it is full of legit anti aging oils like Rosehip Seed Oil, Borage Oil, Jojoba, and Hemp Seed Oils.  Not to mention a mixture of 5 essential oils.  I figure that while the upfront cost of making this balm could be hefty-Christmas is around the corner and this is a luxurious, yet easy DIY friends and family would really love.

Let’s talk about what exactly you can do with this versatile balm.  First and foremost, it is used to moisturize the skin.  You can apply a thin layer for nourishment just like you would a facial moisturizer.  Second, you can use it as a mask.  You just apply a thicker layer and let it set for 20 minutes, then remove it with a warm towel which will soften the mask and your skin, providing a gentle exfoliation as you remove it!  Third, (and my favorite way to use it) you can use it to remove makeup and cleanse the skin.  While it doesn’t contain the cleansing oil-castor oil, it is excellent for very dry skin types that need replenishing without stripping while they cleanse.  Other uses for this balm include, after sun soother, cuticle softener, dry hand treatment and can be applied to the hair to tame and condition!  As you can see, it’s the perfect product to take on vacation!  Did I mention it smells so good!!??

DIY Multi Purpose Beauty Balm

This balm is meant to repair, strengthen and balance the skin.  So, if you want to learn how to make it, read on.  If you want to buy it, go HERE!

Wild Rose Beauty Balm DIY

  • 4 TBSP. Rosehip Seed Oil (find it HERE)
  • 1 TBSP. Jojoba Oil (find it HERE)
  • 2 TBSP. Hemp Seed Oil (find it HERE)
  • 1 TBSP. Borage Oil (find it HERE)
  • 1/2 heaping TBSP. Beeswax (find it HERE)
  • 5 drops Geranium Essential Oil (find it HERE)
  • 4 drops Rosemary Essential Oil (find it HERE)
  • 2 drops Patchouli Essential Oil (find it HERE)
  • 3 drops Palmarosa or Rose Essential Oil (find it HERE)
  • 2 drops Frankincense Essential Oil (find it HERE)


  1. Create a double boiler by filling a medium pot 1/2 way full with water and placing a glass pyrex bowl in the water.
  2. Add ingredients EXCEPT the ESSENTIAL OILS to the bowl and heat on medium heat.
  3. Once the beeswax has melted completely, remove from the heat.
  4. Add essential oils and pour into a glass container.

This recipe makes 4 ounces.  I used THIS jar or THIS one is from MRH.  I’ve linked all my products to Mountain Rose Herb. The ingredients I’ve linked will give you the highest quality balm.  If you are looking to save money on this DIY, feel free to omit jojoba oil, palmarosa essential oil, borage seed oil and frankinecense.  Keep the amount of carrier oil the same so make up for 1 tbsp. of jojoba and 1 tbsp. of borage by adding extra hemp or rosehip seed oil.  Also, follow these links for Amazon products—>Rosehip Seed Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Beeswax, Geranium e.o., Rosemary e.o., Patchouli e.o.  All linked Amazon products are organic and Jenni Raincloud approved.

Use this balm for:

  • Oil Cleansing Cleanser (removes mascara beautifully!)
  • Moisturizer
  • Mask
  • Cuticle conditioner
  • Hair tamer and conditioner
  • After sun balm
  • Hand moisturizer

I hope you all enjoyed this DIY!  This is such a fun and luxurious homemade product-Not only is it versatile, it’s also very easy to make and it smells amazing!!

xx, Jenni

P.S. I’ve been brain storming all weekend about new DIY skin care recipes!!  I’ve got a good list going but I would love to hear from you guys!  What would you like to make?!  Please leave me a comment!!!


DIY 3 in 1 Beauty Balm

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