The Benefits of a Skin Care Fridge-Boost Your Skin Care Game to the Next Level!

Have you jumped on the skin care fridge band wagon? Believe it or not, there are actual skin benefits of a skin care fridge and many items you might have not thought of that can be stored in one. I’m gushing about my love of this trendy beauty gadget and rounding up the best (and most affordable) skin care fridges!

Benefits of a Skin Care Fridge

Does a skin care fridge seem like an indulgent item only vapid, 20 somethings use for #shelfies? While I love all things miniature, I have been resisting the trend of having a fridge just for my skincare.

Half of me is a minimalist and rejects items that aren’t totally necessary. You might have noticed that I’m not the type that has a counter littered with every skin care product I can get my hands on. Being a “skin care blogger” didn’t come from my obsession with skin care products or beauty gadgets. However, the other part of me is just vain enough to raise an eye brow at the tiny little fridge winking at me on my Amazon wish list. 

There are a lot of gimmicks out there when it comes to achieving beauty and I rarely fall for an item that ends up being pointless so you can trust me on this-I won’t lead you down the road traveled by Kardashian followers. Until today.. LOL

So I gave in and got the fridge and I’ve never looked back. My skin care fridge and I are in a committed relationship and I’m here to tell you all the reasons why I HEART skin care fridges and why you should too.

Benefits of a Skin Care Fridge:

  • Extends shelf life 
  • De-puffs the skin
  • Calms irritation
  • Brightens complexion
  • Convenience

Benefits of a Skin Care Fridge

Items to Be Kept in a Skin Care Fridge:

  • Serums
  • Masks
  • Sheet Masks
  • Eye Creams & Serums
  • Eye Masks
  • Spritzers/Toners
  • Setting Sprays
  • Primers
  • Jade Rollers & Gua Shas
  • Face Cream
  • Cleansing Balms
  • Ampoules
  • Essential Oils

What I Have in My Skin Care Fridge:

I’ve been storing my 100 Percent Pure sheet masks and eye masks as well as my hyaluronic acid serum and Rose Hydrating Spritzer in the fridge because cold skin care not only feels good, it also reduces inflammation and tightens the pores!  

For us DIYers, if you enjoy making lotion, this fridge is a great way to keep it fresh longer!  Anything you make that contains water, needs a little extra help when it comes to preservation.  This skin care fridge can serve as a convenient way to keep your homemade skin care fresh as well as convenient!  

I’ve even been keeping aloe vera gel in the fridge so I can apply after a long day in the sun!  

Benefits of a Skin Care Fridge

The cooling effect on the skin can help complement the active ingredients in serums that are designed to hydrate, soothe, and brighten the skin. Applying a cold moisturizer can help calm inflammation.

The cooler temperature helps to constrict blood vessels, which can decrease puffiness and redness. Storing tools like jade rollers and gua sha in a fridge is a great idea too!

Some skin serums like vitamin C and retinol, which can have unstable molecules, and probiotics, which contain living bacteria have shorter shelf lives. Keeping them in a fridge can help prolong that shelf life by providing a more stable environment.

Typically a bathroom can be a humid place which is not optimal for skin care products. Also, sunlight is not recommended for the effectiveness and shelf life of products either. A skin care fridge remedies both of these environmental issues. 

Benefits of a Skin Care Fridge


Luckily you don’t have to spend a lot to get a good skin care fridge. They range in all sizes and prices. I rounded up the affordable ones that have the most reviews and the most positive reviews at that. Mine was given to me by a brand that I promoted a while back. However, my exact fridge is getting horrible reviews so I’m not linking that fridge anymore. I have linked one that is identical to mine but gets excellent reviews.

The Best Skin Care Fridges on Amazon:

  • AstroAl Mini Fridge 10L
  • AstroAl 4L
  • Chefman Mini Blue Fridge
  • Cooluli Skin Care Fridge
  • Crownful Mini Fridge 10L

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How about you? Are there any beauty trends you were pleasantly surprised by? Have you given into a beauty fridge? Do you plan to? 

xx, Jenni


Benefits of a Skin Care Fridge Pinterest

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