Why You Should Sleep On Silk Pillows…

Skin Care and Silk PillowsHold on to your pants, wait….is it hats or pants??  Anyway, this post is super interesting!  I have known for quite a while about silk pillowcases being better for your skin and hair but I had no idea they were so beneficial!  When you think about how much time you spend a day laying on a pillow, it makes total sense to pay a bit of attention to the quality of your pillow.

Silk pillowcases are an absolute must when you are serious about taking care of your skin.  Every skin issue possible can benefit from silk pillowcases for many reasons.  First off, I had no idea that silk contains amino acids that are commonly found in face creams and hair conditioners.  Also, silk is naturally hypoallergenic and will not absorb your skin’s natural oils.  That makes sense-cotton absorbs where as silk will not only let you keep your beneficial skin oils but it will also add amino acids-WOW!

Benefits of Sleeping on Silk Pillows:

  • Silk contains beneficial amino acids.
  • Silk will not crease your face.
  • Silk is naturally hypoallergenic.
  • Will not draw moisture away from the skin or hair.
  • Helps smooth hair and combat “bed head”.
  • Silk does not collect dust mites like other fabrics, therefore easing allergy symptoms.
  • Silk is mildew resistant.
  • Comfort-Silk does not hold in heat.
  • Silk is incredibly soft.
  • Silk will not tug at your skin like cotton, therefore silk is gentler on skin.

Silk Pillows and Skin CareAs you can see, silk is the way to go.  I’m most excited that silk won’t strip my skin of moisture.  This is so helpful for dry skin sufferers.  Keeping moisture in the skin is a huge anti aging tool.  Not to mention the fact that silk stays cool all night.  I get so hot at night and this has been a huge relief.

I hope you found this bit of information as interesting and exciting as I did!  I’m ordering another set of silk pillowcases so I can spare my skin of cotton from now on!

Amazon has a great, affordable selection.  Go HERE to find yours!

xx, Jenni


The Benefits of silk pillows

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