Air Detox with Beeswax Candles

Beeswax Candle BenefitsWant to learn something super interesting today?  Yes? Ok!  Most of us are very familiar with using beeswax in our skin care recipes.  Beeswax is a natural substance made by bees that actually thickens oils.  Balms and Salves are made by heating oils and beeswax.  Once the mixture cools, you have a solid balm.  Go HERE to find out all the beauty benefits beeswax has to offer!  Beeswax also can be made into candles.  Very healthy candles I should add.  Let’s find out why!

When beeswax burns, it releases negative ions.  Pollutants like dust, dirt, animal dander and pollen have a positive charge and are mainly found suspended in the air.  When the negative ions of the beeswax are released, they attach to the positive ions of the pollutants and neutralizes them.  Once the dirt, pollen etc. is neutralized, they are no longer an issue and typically fall to the ground therefore, leaving the air cleansed.  Because beeswax candles reduce indoor pollutants, they can often have a very positive effect on people suffering from allergies and even asthma!

Beeswax Candles benefits

A few things to know about beeswax candles:

I have made beeswax candles. In fact, go HERE to learn how. I found that in order to make pure beeswax candles with quality beeswax, it was expensive.  Also, I found it very tricky to prevent tunneling.

Buying beeswax candles is definitely the easier option. As with everything, your source is vital because there are many candle companies offering beeswax candles that only contain about 50% beeswax.

I get my beeswax candles from Mountain Rose Herbs.  Their candles are free from synthetic fragrances, paraffin, and petroleum by-products.  I have also bought exceptional candles from the sisters at Quiet Light Candles.

Benefits of beeswax candles
I encourage you to jump into burning beeswax candles.  There have been many people claim that by burning beeswax candles, their allergies were eliminated as well as a great relief with asthma!  In fact, I’m using beeswax candles in my oldest daughter’s room to help with her coughing and breathing issues.  Believe it or not we’ve had to resort to an inhaler but she’s seeing improvement and using it way less!  I also have a good friend who comes over almost weekly who is allergic to cats.  I always burn beeswax candles about 2 hours before she comes and so far she’s not had an attack!

If you are looking for more natural ways to “clear the air”, go HERE to learn about diffuser benefits and HERE for a SAFE yet effective room spray recipe!

Find 100% beeswax candles HERE.

xx, Jenni


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