Evening Primrose Oil and PMS….

Evening Primrose Oil and PMS

Warning-Due to sensitive subject matter involving blood sweat and tears, all men should RUN NOW.

Hormones…..  They can be pretty awful right?  I think the older I get the more easily I can identify when hormones are wreaking havoc, but that doesn’t negate the fact that they cause a lot of problems.  From digestive issues to emotional issues, hormones can have a very negative effect on our everyday life.  Unfortunately, hormones are a necessary thing.  Without them we couldn’t have babies, boobs or even feminine features.  I’ve always struggled with PMS as well as painful, heavy periods and at this point, I’ve started questioning whether there is something I can do to change this.

So far, I’ve researched the negative effects store-bought pads and tampons can have on our bodies.  They are bleached and contain synthetic fibers that can actually wreak havoc on our bodies.  I wrote HERE about my experience with the Diva Cup in an attempt to have a more natural period.  However, I no longer use it due to leaking and placement issues thanks to 2 vaginal births and a very heavy period but I do still recommend it if your periods are tame and not comparable to a slasher film.  Once I have more experience on natural tampons and pads, I will post about the best and most affordable feminine products, you can be assured of that!

Today I thought we’d discuss something we can do that is affordable, natural and simple.  Let’s pop a pill!  Evening Primrose Oil has been a well-known PMS easer for as long as I can remember.  I remember my desperate mother looking for any and every way to sooth the raging beast that was me a few days before my period.  She landed upon this natural remedy and all but injected it into my veins at the bitchy yet ripe age of 15.  According to my mom, I was a force to be reckoned with.  I have no recollection of this and no idea what she’s talking about.  Eye roll.  Anyway, 20 some odd years later, here I am still fighting the beast and looking for a solution.  It’s not a good thing to snap at your children for a good week about anything and everything from homework to missed chores so I decided to revisit my old friend, Evening Primrose.

Because of Evening Primrose’s essential fatty acid content, hormones can be effected in a positive way.  Due to a lack of fatty acids in the body, women can experience painful symptoms like breast pain and even rheumatoid arthritis.  Having an ample amount of fatty acids in the body can also reduce inflammation.

Evening Primrose and PMS

The Hormonal Benefits of Evening Primrose Oil:

  • Supports hormone production
  • Eases hormone imbalance
  • Aids in fertility
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Eases PCOS
  • Lessens atopic dermatites
  • Eases cramping
  • Lessens hormonal acne
  • Eases brain fog, headaches and irritability
  • Can lessen a heavy flow
  • Prepares the cervix for labor
  • Eases hair loss due to hormonal imbalance

Evening Primrose oil and PMS

When Should You Take Evening Primrose Oil?

According to Dr. Axe, he suggests taking 1500 mg of primrose oil on the first day of your period through ovulation in order to ease PMS symptoms.

**If you are pregnant and wanting to take it to prepare for labor, you can begin taking it during the last few weeks of your pregnancy-not before!*

Evening Primrose Oil is very affordable.  I bought mine HERE.  I have been taking it for a few months now and do notice that my periods are improved.  I’m certainly still dealing with a snappy attitude here and there but I do believe that for the most part, I’m a bit less irritated.

If you’re experiencing rough periods or even depression, evening primrose is a safe and natural supplement that I believe, is worth a try.  Side effects from taking evening primrose oil are very few and uncommon but can cause issues if you experience seizures, are schizophrenic, are under going surgery or are pregnant (and not weeks away from giving birth).  As I’m sure you know, I am not a doctor and am not qualified to diagnose or treat symptoms.  I am simply sharing what is working for me!

Do you have any natural PMS remedies?  I’d love to hear them and try them!

xx, Jenni


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Evening Primrose Oil and PMS

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