10 Simple DIY Serums For Every Skin Type!

DIY easy serums

A serum is the power house of your skin care regime.  Serums pack a powerful punch that delivers results.  If you are new to making your own skin care, DIY face serums are really simple. 

First, you pick a good base for your DIY face serum such as rosehip seed, macadamia nut oil, baobab oil, hemp oil, Marula oil or almond oil. 

Once you’ve picked your base it’s time to add essential oils.  Essential oils have been used in skin care for thousands of years.  They are nature’s gift to you for optimal health.  They are as strong and effective as chemicals like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid but with virtually no side effects like peeling, excessive dryness and irritation. 

So, no matter what your skin type is, there is a DIY serum perfect for you!

I have chosen Sweet Almond Oil for the base of my serums.  Sweet almond oil is full of vitamins D, E, B1, B2 and B6, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Vitamin E helps fight wrinkles and has a firming effect on the skin. 

Almond Oil is light and absorbs easily.  It helps to purge the pores of impurities therefore helping clear skin.  It has anti inflammatory qualities which help to calm down acne. 

Using sweet almond oil daily can greatly reduce dark circles under the eyes as well as scars and dark spots.  It helps to renew skin cells and rev up circulation.  It is wonderful at nourishing dehydrated skin. I believe it is one of the top carrier oils for reversing the signs of age. 

In fact, it is said to be the closest to the oil found in a babies skin-who doesn’t need that, right?

Skin care serums

Below are a list of 10 highly beneficial essential oils for the skin.  Read on to find which one is right for you.  Pick 1, 2 or 3 and add them in your DIY face serum.  There are no rules here.  Almond Oil + Essential Oils=Beautiful skin!  It’s that simple!

1. Geranium

  • Reduces the appearance of scars
  • helps bring circulation to the skin
  • regenerates new skin cells
  • speeds up healing of wounds
  • promotes uniform distribution of melanin

This oil is great for someone who has scarring or uneven skin tone.  It is a very healing oil that also will take care of the aftermath of any trauma to the face.  Geranium is an excellent oil for all skin types-it is a very powerful oil that will facilitate cell turnover helping you have new, young radiant skin.

2. Cypress

  • Tightens skin
  • Helps varicose veins and broken capillaries
  • Helps clear oily and congested skin
  • Balances overly oily skin
  • Antibacterial, Anti infectious,  Antiseptic, Antimicrobial

Cypress oil’s main function in a skin serum is to firm skin.  If you are dry but need tightening I would add Rose oil or Lavender oil to boost moisturizing benefits.  This oil is wonderful for aged skin.  This oil has such amazing tightening abilities that it is even used to tighten the bladder for people that find themselves urinating too often.  Cypress oil’s secondary function is to balance oily skin. Oily and blemished types could use this as well, due to the antibacterial, anti infectious, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.  It will regulate oil production while clearing pores.

3. Rose

  • Contains a large amount of antioxidants
  • Moisturizing
  • Antiseptic and astringent
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Controls skin diseases such as psoriasis and dermatitis
  • Healing properties

Rose essential oil is very expensive.  There is a reason for that-it is a powerful oil, especially for the skin.  I would suggest this oil for dry, aged skin.  By using this oil you will be making a very powerful serum.  Because of it’s anti-inflammatory properties and healing properties it is recommended for people who need rejuvenation for their skin.  You will see improvement almost immediately.

4. Tea Tree (Melaleuca)

  • Kills bacteria
  • Antibacterial, anti fungal, and anti viral properties 

Tea Tree oil is excellent for people trying to control oily, acne prone skin.  It has the ability to destroy the bacteria that causes acne.  It has been compared to benzoyl peroxide.  The results were similar except that tea tree had no side effects. 

5. Ylang Ylang

  • Balancing over dry skin and over oily skin

Ylang Ylang is known as the aphrodisiac oil in the essential oil world. It has a very uplifting scent and an uncanny ability to bring balance to your skin no matter what the skin type.  It also stimulates blood flow which causes your skin to look young and fresh.  I would suggest ylang ylang to anyone who is experiencing combination skin.

6. Peppermint

  • Soothing
  • Cooling
  • Increases blood flow and stimulates nerves
  • Improves dull skin
  • Evens a rutty, blotchy complexion
  • Antiseptic, Antibacterial

Peppermint is wonderful for sensitive skin types.  It is very cooling and stimulating to the skin.  It feels wonderful due to the large amount of menthol in the leaves.  It can brighten a dull complexion and even out blotchy skin.  I would recommend peppermint oil for all skin types.

7. Lavender

  • Antiseptic, Anti fungal, Antibacterial
  • Anti Inflammatory
  • Healing
  • Moisturizing
  • Calming
  • Pain Reducing

Lavender is a universal oil that is great for any and all skin types.  No matter what is going on with your skin, lavender is always a good idea.  I add it to everything.  I love the smell and love how it works with other oils.

8. Carrot Seed

  • Regenerating
  • High in antioxidants
  • Contains Vitamins A, C and K
  • Moisturizing
  • Healing
  • Stimulate cell growth

Carrot Seed Essential Oil is used in many anti aging products.  I use it in my DIY Eye Stick because of it’s regenerating qualities and the vitamins it contains.  It is wonderful for aged skin.  It has a strong smell of carrots so I would suggest you add some lavender oil to cut the smell.

9. Roman Chamomile

  • Calming
  • Healing
  • Replenishing

Chamomile is a gentle oil that has soothing, anti-inflammatory properties.  It can offer much relief for those suffering with eczema, hives, or dry skin.  I would suggest this oil for sensitive skin types.

10. Frankincense 

  • Skin regenerating properties
  • Diminishes the appearance of scars and spots
  • Balances oil
  • Astringent (balances pH)
  • Moisturizing
  • Evens skin tone
  • Antiseptic
  • Antibacterial
  • Anti tumor
  • Immune Stimulant

Frankincense is an extremely effective oil.  As you can tell, it encompasses many skin issues from age to acne.  It, like lavender, is an all in one oil.  I would suggest adding this oil to your serum for all skin types.  Not only is it amazing for the skin but it is also an anti depressant and has a powerful ability to lift the mood. This oil can be added to all serums because it actually helps the other oils penetrate deeper into the skin.

How to Make a DIY Face Serum:

Now that you have chosen which oil or combination of oils you are adding to your almond oil you are ready to create your custom serum!  I like to keep my serums in small 1 ounce dropper bottles.  You can find them HERE.  You can also use your used 15mL(.5 ounces) essential oil bottles.  The bottom line with your bottle is that it needs to be a small dark glass bottle in order to protect the essential oils.

In a 1 ounce bottle add your almond oil, leaving a small amount of room at the top. For easy transferring, I use THESE tiny funnels.   Add a total of 7 drops of essential oil for a 1 ounce bottle.  Use your serum nightly after cleansing and toning.  If you are dry, wait about 10 minutes and then apply your moisturizer (dry skin moisturizer recipe HERE).  If you are oily to normal skip your moisturizer at night.

Taking charge of your skin care is easy!  I promise, you don’t have to be a facialist to make high quality products in your own kitchen.  Making your own skin care will omit chemicals like artificial fragrances, preservatives and texture enhancing ingredients.  All these chemicals can build up in your system and cause damage.  You might experience results more quickly with chemicals but it will be at the cost of your skin’s overall health.

If you are oily and prefer to not have an oil based serum, you can replace the almond oil with aloe vera gel.  Aloe is wonderful for oils skin and has tightening and toning abilities!


xx, Jenni


10 DIY skin serums

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