DIY Talc-free Baby Powder

DIY Talc Free Baby PowderIf you’re a new mom, you know that baby powder is a must when it comes to diapering baby bottoms. However, did you know that most baby powders contain some dodgy ingredients? You wouldn’t think so but they do. Luckily, making DIY baby powder could not be easier! Plus, you can add essential oils for added scent and clay for added dryness! 

When my first daughter was born, even though I had had a home birth, I was not up on ridding chemicals from my daily routine.  Being new to changing diapers, I showered that baby bottom with Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder.  I mean, let’s face it-diapers are gross.  Stinky bottoms are remedied with powder.  No powder=smell and rash, even after you’ve thoroughly cleaned up after a poo. 

Due to unhealthy talc-making a DIY baby powder is a perfect option.  It’s cheap, fast and couldn’t be easier!

The Dangers of Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder:

Just a quick lesson in the dangers of talc so you know the importance of ditching it.  Talc used to contain asbestos.  Yeah, super alarming.  Go HERE for more in depth info. 

Since the 70’s it has been removed, but from my research it seems that whether it is safe is still unclear.   Not to mention talc is connected to possibly causing major lung issues.  Powder users know how easy it is to inhale powder when using on a baby.  Who wants to use something like this on a baby, much less their bottoms!!???

More Baby Recipes:

  • DIY Baby Lotion
  • DIY Diaper Cream
  • DIY Diaper Spray (Easy)
  • DIY Baby Oil
  • Clay Based Healing Diaper Rash Cream

Baby powder dangers

DIY Baby Powder:

Spice sifter– (find HERE)  **of course you could empty out your previous container of powder and reuse it.**

1/4 cup Arrowroot Powder (find HERE)

8 drops Lavender Essential Oil (find it HERE)  OR 8 drops of Chamomile Essential Oil (find it HERE)

1/4 cup Kaolin Clay (find it HERE) **optional**

If you are able to purchase Kaolin clay, do it.  It is a wonderful ingredient to boost the drying action of this powder.  FYI-I am cooking up a post for DIY mineral make up and this ingredient is included.  You can also add water to kaolin clay and use as a detoxing mask.

If you don’t have it and want to make baby powder now, that’s ok.  Arrowroot will still work great on it’s own.  Just use 1/2 cup of arrowroot.

Don’t hesitate to use this on yourself too-Let’s face it, sometimes babies aren’t the only one’s who need powder!

So there you have it-combine your ingredients, shake well to evenly distribute the lavender or chamomile oil and you are done!  So easy!

If you’re looking for more baby and momma recipes and articles, be sure to check out my Baby & Momma section on this blog!

xx, Jenni

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