DIY vs. Store Bought Skin Care…

DIY Skin Care vs. Commercial Skin Care

So, it’s been brought to my attention that I’ve been a little confusing to my readers.  I certainly don’t want to confuse you all so I’m doing this post to explain how I feel about DIY skin care vs. Commercial skin care.  When I say “commercial”, I mean that the products were created in a lab by scientists, then mass produced.

In the beginning, Jenni Raincloud got it’s start by sharing DIY skin care recipes.  About a year into the blog, I started branching out a bit by doing product reviews of commercial products.  There were several reasons I did this.  One, there are only so many DIY skin care recipes I can come up with in a short period of time!  Two, I like to diversify and Three, I furthered my education on chemistry and DIY skin care and got intimidated.  I started learning more about preservatives and pH and realized I had a false sense of knowledge.  I consulted with several DIY skin care specialist and learned enough to fix my recipes but beyond that, I was kind of discouraged.

There is so much to learn about DIY skin care and it can be hard to find the information you need.  There are a lot of blogs like mine that post recipes that either won’t work or will be full of bacteria within days because they haven’t used a preservative.  It can be hard to navigate through all the false info!  Honestly, I just got overwhelmed and felt like I needed to give it a rest for a bit.  Plus, I was pumped at all the natural skin care lines I was discovering.

The bottom line here at Jenni Raincloud is that I’m here to help you on this journey of saying NO to harmful chemicals in our skin care and even other areas of our lives.  I’m here to hopefully light your path and lead the way to organic, quality beauty products.  Whether that means we make them ourselves or we buy them, it’s up to you.

You can rest assured that the beauty products I do review, to the best of my knowledge, are natural, safe products.  It’s a product that I have tried for at least a few weeks and one I will stand behind.  I have the up most integrity when it comes to putting the Jenni Raincloud stamp of approval on products.  I never want to do a post just to make commission.  Selling out isn’t an option.  Sure, I could post products that aren’t natural and contain toxic ingredients, most every other beauty blogger does, but that’s not the foundation of this blog.  My whole point is keeping things NATURAL.

Another BIG reason I don’t solely focus on DIY skin care is because everyone’s skin is different and it’s trial and error.  Many of my recipes that you all love, my skin hates!  I had to go through some set backs personally to figure out what ingredients my skin responds best to.  So my daily beauty routine consists of some DIYs and some commercial products.  It’s just what works for me.  So it only makes sense that my blog be about both paths.

DIY Skin Care is a passion of mine.  It’s not just a hobby.  I’m out of my slump and I am hungry to learn and progress.  I really do believe that we can make effective products at home in our kitchens!  Many, many of you have written me, raving about what my recipes have done for your skin.  That thrills me!!  It makes me want to keep digging for more exciting ingredients and methods!  I am currently researching some really interesting ingredients and have found some amazing information that I’m excited to put into action and then share.

As far as my Etsy shop goes-I only sale products that I have made a million times and know exactly what I’m doing.  The products I choose to sell are the ones that get the most feedback-the one’s people swear by and request more of.  I search out the best ingredients I can source and work at keeping my prices reasonable. If a product doesn’t sell well, I pull it from the shop.  I’m always open to suggestions too and am happy to accept custom orders!

So, I hope that wasn’t just one long ramble of a post!  In conclusion-I go both ways, ha, ha-no really.  Both ways are good ways as long as they are natural and pure.  I’m going to continue to try out commercial products and share them with you and I’m going to work hard to come up with new skin care we can make!

Love you guys…. Jenni

P.S  Go HERE for my recipes.  Go HERE for product reviews.

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