DIY After Sun Replenishing Oil

DIY After Sun Body Oil

I’m on a sun kick lately and am back to share another way I protect my skin from sun damage while still enjoying the summer.  As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t use sunblock.  You can read why HERE.  I believe in getting a daily dose of the sun because of the vast health and mental benefits it brings.  In short-the sun gives life and we should not avoid it.  However, that being said, sun damage is a drawback of sun bathing as well as dry skin.  One habit I never skimp on is a body oil applied daily in the summer.  This DIY After Sun Replenishing Body Oil is filled with antioxidants, vitamins and fatty acids which are all extremely useful when it comes to achieving and maintaining healthy skin!

DIY After Sun Body Oil Ingredients:

Rosehip Seed Oil contains essential fatty acids that promote cellular and tissue regeneration. Rosehip is also high in vitamin C and has anti-aging effects when it’s applied to the skin. It’s often used to improve age spots from sun damage, improve skin tone and texture.  It is an excellent choice for improving sun damaged skin.

Avocado Oil is a deeply penetrating oil. The natural content of Vitamins A and E work to improve the skin’s texture. The nutritional profile makes this oil amazing for dry, dehydrated and mature skin. It contains an impressive amount of unsaturated fatty and essential fatty acids which makes it ideal for adding moisture back to the skin!

Olive Oil is high in healthy fatty acids, anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants.  It’s a great oil for parched skin in great need of free radical fighting antioxidants.

Sea buckthorn Oil helps relieve sunburn and speed up wound healing. It is also loaded with healing antioxidants, including carotenoids which are great for protecting the skin against future sun damage.

Vitamin E Oil is rich in antioxidants as well as helps preserve the body oil.

I chose a blend of Lavender, Frankincense, Cypress and Carrot Seed Oil to help add to the healing power of the other oils!  Plus, it’s been said that frankincense has helped fade sun spots!

DIY After Sun Body Oil

DIY After Sun Replenishing Oil

  • 1/2 cup Rosehip Seed (find it HERE)
  • 1/4 cup Avocado Oil (find it HERE)
  • 3 tbsp. Olive Oil (find it HERE)
  • 1 tsp. Sea Buckthorn Oil (find it HERE)
  • 2 tsp. Non GMO Vitamin E Oil (find it HERE)
  • 5 drops Cypress Essential Oil (find it HERE)
  • 10 drops Frankincense Essential Oil (find it HERE)
  • 10 drops Carrot Seed Essential Oil (find it HERE)
  • 25 drops Lavender Essential Oil (find it HERE)


  • Mix all ingredients in an 8 oz. glass pump bottle. Shake to mix and that’s it!

To Use a DIY Body Oil:

  • This oil can be used daily or just as needed after a day in the sun.
  • Use on clean skin.  
  • Remember, a little goes a long way so unless you want to be greasy, use a very small amount on each body part.


While I’m a big fan of the sun, I believe sun burns should be avoided.  I do this by limiting my time in the sun and building up to longer amounts of time.  If I’m going to be in the sun for a prolonged amount of time, I will wear a broad spectrum, mineral based sunscreen like THIS.  Have you checked out my new DIY Suntan Oil?  I filled it with nourishing oils high in vitamin C and antioxidants to strengthen and protect the skin against sun damage.  While this DIY contains carrier oils that have an SPF, I don’t suggest using it as an SPF.  However, I’ve used it for the last few weeks and have not burned once.  Go HERE for the recipe.  It’s a good one! 

Happy summer!!

xx, Jenni


DIY After Sun Body Oil




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